
Your life, your way, every day

Unique24 Care offers a range of services that are tailored to meet the individual's needs and allow people to remain in their own homes. We support adults aged 18 years and above with no upper age limit. These services are provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round.

Personal Care

Assistance with dressing and undressing,getting up and going to bed; Assistance with toileting; Assistance with washing, bathing and showering; Care of skin, hair,teeth and nails, where appropriate.

Social Care

Assistance with paying bills, pension collection etc; Assistance with planning and shopping; Listening and talking to people is regarded as an important part of delivering care; Participating in leisure activities etc; We can assist the client to keep in touch with their family and fiends, with letter writing,telephone calls,email etc.
Our carers are not limited to just providing help at home. They can drive you to your doctor's or hospital appointments, take you shopping,they can even accompany you on holiday
All of our services can either complement each other,or they can be used separately depending upon the needs of the individual. We constantly monitor the service and try to be as flexible and responsive as possible to the changing needs of clients. We aim to meet our objectives by adhering to delivering our policies in practice, by endeavouring to provide suitable staff, by paying attention to our service users I and or their representatives views.
01908 965055

07471 291301